dijous, 19 de gener del 2012


1. What is a legend?
The Arthurian knights, who sat with King Arthur around a circular table, became the focal point of fellowship between knights. Some of them are famous as heroes and champions of just cause. In theory, they were brothers; however, jealousy, envy and hatred existed with the fellowship. There were enemies within the Round Table as well as those who were not member of the fellowship. In the end, it was adultery committed by one of its members, Lancelot, with Arthur's queen, the enmity of Gawain, and the betrayal of Mordred that finally brought about downfall of Arthur's kingdom.
You can read about the origin and the meanings of the Round Table in the  Origin of the Round Table 

2. Was King Arthur only legend?
 Yes, He has . If the Knights of the Round Table ever existed in real life, it wasn't in the time of King Arthur. Medieval knights as characterise in Arthurian Legend belong to a period running from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries - the historical King Arthur is placed much earlier, around the fifth century. Nonetheless, the image of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table appeals to the imagination and has become an accepted one, if only in literature and legend.
3. What is a knight?
A man given a rank of honour by a British king or queen because of his special achievements, and who has the right to be called 'Sir', or (in the past) a man of high social position trained to fight as a soldier on a horse

4. CHOOSE a/b

A. CHOOSE A CHARACTER: Merlin, Lancelot, Lady Guinevere..
explain the story  
Hi my name's Lancelot . I'm one of the Knight's of the Round Table in the Arthurian Legend . I am   the best the knights and plays a part in many of Arthur's wons. I'm perhaps most famous for being intimate of Arthur's  wife Guinevere and the role  but play in the search for the Holy Grail. My life and adventures  are featured in several  medieval romances, often with conflicting back stares and chains of events. I am strong man , and I try to help the king soldiers. But I was  in love with the King Arthur's  wife. I am not afraid  not even  dying.

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